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Lenten Daily Devotional: Adrian Salas

Lenten Daily Family Devotions

Prayer for the Day from Adrian Salas
“Even when I walk through the darkest valley, I will not be afraid, for you are close beside me. Your rod and your staff protect and comfort me. You prepare a feast with me in the presence of my enemies. You honor me by anointing my head with oil.” Psalm 23:4-5
The Lie: Recently I was forced into a situation at work where I had to make a judgement call that would later cause severe friction and discomfort in my work relationship with my supervisor. I was being asked to do something that was wrong and out of our policy guidelines. I did the right thing, but felt terrible about what had resulted from my decision. I sulked in what was happening and couldn’t see how the Lord was working in this ugly situation. The lie is that God wasn’t working, but when I things became clear and I found the truth, it was that God was walking with me. This walk in Christ is not easy because of our sinful nature, and often times we find ourselves in situations to make the decisions that are hard because of that. But if we remain faithful and release these earthly worries to the Lord we can find rest in his love.
Prayer: Dear Lord, in any moment of fear or discomfort may I Turn to You, Rest in You and Trust in You. May I know that you are the one true king and your love is infinite. May I always be reminded that the path you set for me bears the most fruit. And from my most humble posture I give thanks to you Lord for your provisions, the gift of yourself, and the gift of your son Jesus Christ. Amen.