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Lenten Daily Devonal: Hailey Arias

Prayer for the Day:
"Taste and see that the LORD is good; blessed is the man who takes refuge in him. Psalm 34:8
The Lie: I felt fear at one of my first dance competitions. I was scared that I was going to forget my dance choreography or not be as good or forget to smile. To calm myself down and help feel better I prayed to God to be right there beside me dancing with me and through me and that He would be with me, calm me down and help me remember all of my dances. After I did this I felt calm and felt like I was going to do great and I did. I remembered all my dances and felt God there with me.
Prayer: I am thankful for my family and dance and cheer and all the blessings God gives me every day. Amen

- Hailey Arias