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The Early Church lived as an extended family, an oikos. They shared life together and had common weekly rhythms, as well as daily rhythms. Morning Devotions is our daily rhythm of life together as we take an hour every Monday - Thursday to talk about what the Lord is saying to us in our daily text.


Due to the Pandmic, Devotions is only on Zoom (856-091-7079)


Whoever is leading that day opens us up in prayer then shares a 10 minute devotion on what the Lord was speaking to them, and then we simply have meaningful discussion about what the Lord is saying to all of us for the remainder of the time.

We all subscribe to the Moravian Daily Text which we read beforehand in our personal morning abide time. Click here for more info on the Moravian Text or to subscribe via email.

To join us via Zoom, email us and we will send you the Meeting ID.



"42 All the believers devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching, and to fellowship, and to sharing in meals (including the Lord’s Supper), and to prayer.... 46 They worshiped together at the Temple each day, met in homes for the Lord’s Supper, and shared their meals with great joy and generosity— 47 all the while praising God and enjoying the goodwill of all the people. And each day the Lord added to their fellowship those who were being saved." (Acts 2:42,46-47 NLT)


You may wonder why Oikos Church uses something called the Moravian Text as a resource to read through the Bible. We made the decision that this selection of texts and the resources available for those who desire to read along, was the best option for our people, our family.

The Moravian Daily Texts has the option of purchasing on Amazon Kindle/Apple iBooks, a spiral bound journal, and/or daily emails. It is the best way for us to coordinate our readings so that we will all be reading the same text each day as we listen to the Lord as a family. There are many other options available, but for this time, I believe this is where the Lord is leading.


Devotions time change
We use this same text for our Daily Devotions, which occur Monday through Thursday at 12:30pm- 12:50pm (see calendar for details). We do so because we want to be in the market place of the city, making ourselves readily available for anyone who may need a word from the Lord. We begin with a song, the leader of the day shares what the Lord said to him or her, and then we provide space for anyone to share what the Lord is saying to them, which always creates a powerful conversation that is able to guide us throughout the day. Anyone is welcome to attend as often as you are able and stay for the duration or for as much time as the Lord allows.