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Discipleship Tools

Discipleship Tools

Our desire is to see ordinary people become discipled leaders living out their lives in the ways, works, and words of Jesus. Our dream is to see a kingdom movement across our city through people like you released into an unbelieving world with the character and competency of Jesus as you live a highly connected and distinctive life. These resources are for you!

Reading the Bible:

bibleapp-wg_polaroid_mockup  bibleappkids-wg_polaroid_mockup


KAIROS-wg_polaroid_mockup SQUARE-wg_polaroid_mockup

*LifeShapes were created by 3DMovements based on the life and ministry of Jesus. Click here to visit


kairos-floodchurch-Chalkboard-PSD-MockUp redhotcenter-Chalkboard-PSD-MockUp

The Learning Circle

by Flood Church
San Diego, CA

 The Red Hot Center

by Oikos Church
Houston, TX
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 The Jesus Pattern

by Summit Church
Fort Myers, FL

Organized and Organic

by Caesar Kalinowski
Next Best Time