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Our Oikos Beginnings: A Prayer Walk to Remember...

PicLab-olicememorialOn October 6, 2013, the Lytle & Phelps families were invited to meet the LeFevre's at a parking lot in downtown Houston. No additional info was given. They went down to the Buffalo Bayou and began a prayer walk where they encountered family after family, six to be exact. Each family was at a different point along the trail and each family prayed a petition of the Lord's Prayer. This picture of Houston's Police Memorial was the final stop, where even more families were gathered. David LeFevre gave a moving speech about why they were ready to take a huge risk for the kingdom and follow Pastor Aaron if he were to plant a church. This church at the time had no name, but waited in the very near future. David then invited them to walk to the top of the memorial where there awaited a box. In this box was an iPad that displayed a number. A dollar amount. On the screen read over $70,000. This was the amount that people were willing to sacrifice and give to help start what would become Oikos Church. This is a day to remember. We have a story worth telling. Thanks for being on this journey with us as we encroach on our two-year anniversary. ‪#‎lovemyoikos‬